
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

15 weeks!

My fifteenth week of pregnancy went by GREAT! I feel my energy rising again and not wanting to nap nearly as much as I did before. However, with that being said, I have been experiencing extremely bad cases of heartburn. Ugh. Like I want to call 911 because I think I'm about to die from cardiac arrest type heartburn. I had HORRIBLE heartburn with Tripp but it didn't creep in until the last trimester with him. How is it I am barely into my second trimester and already have it?!?? I was hoping I would mayyyybe get by this round without dealing with it, but apparently that won't be the case. So long salsa, fried foods, chocolate, and anything to eat or drink 3 hours before bedtime.... sigh. Ok, pity party is over. Being pregnant is such a blessing and truly one of God's miracles, so I will take whatever is handed my way!! #stayingpositive

This pic was taken at my parents house as we are visiting them in Houston this week until we leave for Mexico this weekend. They have graciously offered to watch Tripp so we can enjoy some quality adult time with good friends and get some long overdue R&R in the sun with lots of margaritas, (virgin for me of course)! Can't wait to update next week with pics from our Houston & Cabo adventures!! Why is it I look like I have tripled in size in a week?!??

How far along? 15 weeks
Wedding rings on or off? On
Maternity clothes? I finally got some shorts from Pea in the Pod which I LOVE, and bought two "tankinis" for the beach next week. Besides that I have been able to get away with lots of yoga pants and flowy dresses ;) 
Best moment this week: Having the energy to get back on the treadmill...I have been walking and running periodically the last few weeks but besides the fact that I felt like a walking zombie, I was pretty scared of my heart rate going up and doing any damage to our little peanut my entire first trimester so it was hard for me to really push myself. 
Food cravings: Still loving Kraft caramels, but limiting my intake trust me. I don't want gestational diabetes!! And carbs. Pasta, pasta pasta. I'm pretty certain that almost every time my husband asks what's for dinner I mention some sort of pasta making it into the meal. I can't stop watching Everyday Italian with Giada DeLaurentiis.... it seriously makes me salivate. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Once again, my husband and I walked into a mens clothing store at the mall and they had sprayed so much cologne throughout that I had to do a 180 and run out of there. Perfume and cologne make me gag as well as Taco Bell commercials. The cheese just looks like cold cheese sauce pumped straight out of a can from the ballpark. Ew
Happy or Moody? Happy happy happy!!!! 
Doctor Appointments: Not until July 6th.... seems like forever from now! They should be able to definitely tell the gender then so I am super excited!!
Looking forward to:  See above answer ;)

Monday, June 15, 2015

14 weeks :)

I suppose what they say regarding first trimester fatigue is true.... because although I am barely into my second trimester, I can already tell I feel like I have more energy and am less lethargic. Don't get me wrong, I won't be running a marathon anytime soon but I do feel like I finally have the energy to at least keep up with my crazy 2 year old and get chores done at the same time, for once. Anyways, here is my 14 week update, not the MOST exciting blog post but definitely something I want to document so I will have something to look back and read one day :)

How far along? 14 weeks
Wedding rings on or off? On
Maternity clothes? Still not quite yet, although I am actually excited to wear them this pregnancy! With Tripp, I was at my "biggest" through the winter and colder months so I had a bunch of bulky sweaters and maternity jeans. This is pretty how much how I felt on any given day three winters ago:

Let me just say, when you are already swollen and feel like the marshmallow man pictured above, the last thing you want to do is pile on a bunch of bulky sweaters and squeeeeze into your "skinny" jeans, even if they do have a maternity band as a waist. This time, lucky me, I get to be preggo during the hottest months of the year. In Texas, might I add. So, this mama stocked up on some cute maternity shorts and flowy easy breezy maxi dresses. Now I better just add a bottle or 2 of handy dandy self-tanner to my list so I can at least tan these poor soon-to-be cankles of mine. Sigh. 
Best moment this week: FINALLY having my husband back in town after a verrrrry long recruiting season on the road. I'm not sure why, but this year seemed to be the longest year for me with him being gone, so it's so nice to have him home. He may still not get home til late at night, but at least he is HOME.
Food cravings: I usually keep a stash of Dove dark chocolate squares in the candy jar and that's my little daily indulgence. However, this pregnancy chocolate just hasn't been appealing to me at ALL. I will say that the Dreyer's Outshine frozen fruit bars have been my craving on a daily (and nightly) basis. I have also been craving pizza (we made dough from scratch on Saturday and made one on the grill outside that was DELISH!). And, while I KNOW it's the worst breakfast a preggo should be indulging in, I have been LOVING Einsten's onion bagel toasted with cream cheese. I may or may not have been by there more than once in the last week :/ #emptycalories #layoffmeImstarving 
Anything making you queasy or sick: We were at the grocery store the other day and I don't know for sure if this was it or not but I got a strong whiff of a woman's perfume and it made me SO nauseous I seriously thought I was going to throw up right then and there. #cleanuponaisle7  I haven't been able to wear my usual perfumes this pregnancy either, just scented body lotions. My sense of smell is EXTREMELY sensitive right now!!
Happy or Moody? Happy as could be :) 
Doctor Appointments: We were supposed to have our next sonogram within the next few weeks but since we will be gone the next available time wasn't until july 6th! So, hopefully they will be able to confirm the gender on that date! 
Looking forward to:  Some much needed quality time with both the hubby, Tripp and my family in houston as well as our other trip planned shortly after that. I'm also looking forward to a busy July, we have a lot planned so this summer is really going to fly by!!! 

By the way, with Trey being on the road, this was the best pic I could get! No chalkboard sign pictured, but Tripp is definitely practicing for this week's pic! ;)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Tripp's surgery

Well, as mentioned in the last post Tripp was scheduled for surgery Tuesday morning to finally get his tubes for his ears. It was a success and I can honestly not complain, everything went as smoothly as we could have hoped! We had to be at the hospital at 8 am even though his surgery wasn't set up until 9 am. We walked into the waiting room and there were people EVERYWHERE. Like, standing room only. We checked in with the registration desk and went to try and find a seat. Apparently, the hospital is the new place to bring YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY with you. Now, before you judge me as a cold-hearted pregnant woman who is just being hormonal, let me first tell you that this area of the hospital is for outpatient/ minor surgeries. No need to bring every single family member along. It specifically states on the paperwork (that you fill out well in advance) no more than 2 family members per patient in the waiting room. Well, I guess I am the only one that read that part. Every family in this waiting room had at least 4 or 5 family members with them, it was insane. Why am I sharing this with you, you may ask? Well, it relates to the end of my story. Anywho, we waited around and I finally landed an open seat, I felt like I was in the audience of an episode of Oprah's favorite things....

So, back to my story. They finally call us back to the pre-op room where Tripp is directed to drink some "happy juice". This kool-aid type drink basically just relaxes him so they can take him back to the operating room. Well, anyone that knows my son knows his fixation with LIGHTS. Yes, lights.  It doesn't matter where we are, (grocery store, mall, HOME, wherever!), our little man will get your attention (stranger or not) and make sure you are well aware if a light is out. It's his obsession. He becomes quite the little dictator in that sense, he gets very unhappy and cannot focus his energy on anything else until the light is fixed or we remove him from the situation altogether. Well, it turns out the small room they put us in had a light out. Tripp drank the juice and immediately started screaming, "UH-OHHHHH! UH-OHHHHH!' while pointing out the light bulb that was out in the ceiling. The nurse returns after about 10 minutes and clearly sees he has not gotten the least bit drowsy or relaxed, (that darn lightbulb). So, she comes back with a little bit MORE of the happy juice. She returns again after the second dose and sees he is just as upset about the light being out and therefore it appears he won't be relaxing anytime soon. So, she went around and checked the other rooms to find one where alllll the lights were in working order and moves us into that room. I seriously can't make this stuff up. He finally relaxes, (thank you sweet baby Jesus for having all the lights working!), and they are able to take him back for the surgery. HALLELUJAH. 

Moving on, they ask me to move back into the waiting room, which I reluctantly do. Of course, its super crowded and I see ONE seat open in the corner. I make an immediate beeline to it and while not looking up at anyone, I turn around and sit down. Except wait a second- did I just sit in something wet? Oh. My. Gawd. I lifted up my leg and low and behold I just realized I sat in a puddle of vomit. YES someone else's stomach bile and Lord knows what else mixed in there. The nasty smell alone makes me need to do the same. Not only did nobody warn me of this before sitting down but nobody even says anything after I got up and sprinted to the nearest restroom. Just  tons of stares. And awkward silence. I scrubbed my pants with the hottest water my skin would take and pumped the entire box of antibacterial foam all over myself. Anyways, I'm sure my horrible experience couldn't interest anyone except my close family members so I just had to share.  

Shortly after, the doctor came out to let me know Tripp was ready to go and was in recovery! He was a little disoriented the first 15 minutes and cried but after that he was happy as a clam! We got home and he ran straight to his "cat-ttyyyy" and was ready to play! Thank you for the prayers and well wishes, we are so glad to say that Tripp's first surgery was a success!!! 

The night before. Poor boogins had no clue about the next morning....

Sitting on the floor in the waiting room.... yes he is wearing his pj's. They said for him to just stay in his pajamas for the surgery, we were both fine with that! 

Immediately after, our little handsome trooper!

Eating a powdered donut when we got home. After I changed my pants of course. 

Ready to torture play with Bella as soon as we got home!!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

13 week check-up

Well as expected, our little peach was quite the wiggle worm and the tech couldn't get a clear view of the.... for lack of better words.... genitalia ;) That's ok, we were just excited to see it moving around in there and have a healthy heartbeat of 154 :) My next appointment isn't until next month and they will definitely be able to tell the gender at that time, so we have alot to look forward to. Here is a profile pic:

In OTHER news, we finalllllly got the go ahead and Tripp has been scheduled for tubes in his ears next Tuesday. This is something I know he would benefit from for quite sometime now! Our poor little guy has suffered from ear infections pretty much since he was one year old. So prayers please for a quick and painless recovery for our little man this Tuesday!!! I had tubes when I was younger and it's such a common surgery, but you still don't like to think about your little one going under anesthesia :( Anyways, we are off to get our Saturday started, happy weekend everyone!!! 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

13 Weeks!!

Can I just start off by saying never have I EVER felt less mentally sharp than I have the last few weeks?!?? "Preggo brain" or "momnesia"- whatever you may call it- is definitely in FULL effect. I have been so forgetful lately I seriously wonder some days if I will be able to find my way home from the grocery store! My poor husband has been so patient.... I can't tell you how many times I have forgotten to do a task or just completely dropped the ball lately. So, I am hoping that my second trimester will be kinder to me and I can get my focus back!

Exhibit A: We did the chalkboard pic for the 13 week picture and silly me forgot to put "13". Instead, I just added one week to the last pic we took at 10 weeks.... not even thinking that we didn't take a pic for 2 freaking weeks! Agh. SMH. Anywho, here is my 13 week bump pic. Hopefully next time we can get more of a clear pic.... Little man got a little impatient so we could only take about 3 or 4 and this was the best of all of them. Sigh. One day.

How far along? 13 weeks
Wedding rings on or off? On
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but I had Trey bring my maternity clothing I had from my last pregnancy down from the attic. So they are just sitting there and staring at me in the corner of the bedroom.... I just haven't quite conquered up the nerve to go there yet.
Best moment this week: If I could remember what I did yesterday I would be happy to share a best moment with you.... but thinking of one at this point truly makes my brain hurt. Zzzz....
Food cravings: Still LOVING pineapples & watermelon. Oh and the rosemary & olive oil flavored Triscuits with cream cheese and raspberry chipotle marinade sauce. Oh AND Kraft caramels made it to the mix.... so random but quite delish. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chick-Fil-A. Usually I love their nuggets & fries but lately it just sounds disgusting. 
Happy or Moody? Happy as a clam!  
Doctor Appointments: We have another ultrasound tomorrow AM.... would be super fabulous if they could somehow tell the gender, but we aren't getting our hopes up. We found out Tripp was a boy at 12 weeks, but again, I won't hold my breath! 
Looking forward to:  Vacation in 2 weeks! While I won't be enjoying any margaritas this trip to Cabo, I will look forward to lots of R&R in the sun! Aaaaaand seeing the parents and fam in Houston for a good visit is always a plus!!! 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

10 weeks!!!

I'm having to go back a few weeks since I didn't announce the pregnancy until after this was taken. This was our first "belly pic" this pregnancy. They say with your second child you won't document as much and tend to drop the ball on milestones and so forth, and sadly I guess that's true! While we are EQUALLY as excited this time around, it's a little more chaotic while chasing around a toddler! But hopefully with this blog it will help me stay on track and document my progress! So, back to my post. This pic was taken at 10 weeks and as you can tell, Tripp wasn't quite sure what his job entailed. I also didn't realize until AFTER we took the pic that I shouldn't wear black when trying to show the baby bump. Rookie mistake. Anyways- we will work on this for the next belly pic!

How far along? 10 weeks
Wedding rings on or off? On
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but definitely getting there!
Best moment this week: Getting to see the heartbeat again, (166!). Since I am high risk, we already had one ultrasound at 6 weeks so fortunately I got to hear it then, but reassurance is never a bad thing!
Food cravings: Melons! (pineapple, watermelon, you name it). And anything salty!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Red meat, which is funny because with Tripp all I wanted was red meat! 
Happy or Moody? Unfortunately both! But I will say the latter has to due with my sleep intteruption..... I wake up at 2 or 3 am and cant fall back asleep for at least another hour.  
Doctor Appointments: Just the ultrasound that indicated a healthy heartbeat & happy little peanut wiggling around in there! My heart is happy!

Looking forward to:  Vacation in a few weeks! Trey has some time off so we are heading to New Braunfels to see family, then off  to Houston, and then Trey and I head off to Cabo with friends! I am so excited to have some down time!!

Hi there! Welcome to my blog. I'm so excited to finally have my own place where I can document the highlights of our life and share with family and friends what's going on in our world! I have envisioned my blog for over a year now and I am so glad to finally have it all come together. My number one reason for doing this is to be able to let our loved ones and friends see what's going on in our lives, (social media is great but for the people that aren't interested in a recap of our activities this is the much better alternative!). Also, so one day I can share all these memories with our kiddos! Thank you for taking a glimpse into our world, enjoy! :)