Ok, back to my post. As you will see in my next post our trip to Cabo has been postponed, I refuse to use the word CANCELED so I will say postponed.... until next year that is. We ended up coming back to lubbock and going to my doctor appointment the following week to find out the BIG reveal. I wanted to do something different this time than just have the ultrasound tech tell us what the gender would be. I pinned adorable ideas on Pinterest for fancy gender reveal parties but then reality set in and all of our family live so far away that they would never get to attend so I scratched that idea out of my head immediately. Then I have always heard of the uber cute idea, (is uber even a word? Like besides a car service? Whatever, back to my point), where the ultrasound tech writes down the gender and seals it an envelope and you and your spouse go to a nice dinner and open it together, (cue the violins and romantic soft jazz music in the background). While that sounded great and all, we just decided that this time would be special regardless because we would be there together. When I found out Tripp was a boy, Trey was working and couldn't attend the ultrasound so the tech, (not knowing we wanted to wait to find out), just blurted out it was a boy. I was thrilled! But it's not quite the same when you make a phone call versus being there together. I digress, back to my story.... So we ultimately decided to just find out right then and there! Of course the appointment seemed to take FOREVER, (they had to do a FULL anatomy scan and they start at the head and slowwwwly make their way down to the....you know, private parts). What seemed like HOURS later, she finally asked if we wanted to find out the gender in which then revealed it's a GIRL! We are SUPER excited and cannot wait to have Tripp be a big brother to a little SISTER! I cannot wait to start planning for the nursery and bedding and all the frilly girly stuff that goes with it! Here is the pic we posted to social media a few days later, (because it's not OFFICIAL until its blasted on Facebook & Instagram, right?!)
Side note: There is just one little babe in there.... I had a few people message me if we were having TWINS due to the two balloons. Nope, little man just had to have two when we were at the store ;)
So there you have it, I am ready to get started tackling my next project....the NURSERY! I already have a good idea of what I'm doing so I'll just post updates from time to time.
How far along? 19 weeks
Wedding rings on or off? OnMaternity clothes? Since it's the summer, I have been able to get away with tunics and maxi dresses as well as regular tank tops and such. But as the Fall draws near, I will be ready for my maternity jeans and comfy pants!
Best moment this week: Felt our little princess kick for the first time at 18 weeks! It feels like little fluttters and I know they will get stronger over the next few weeks but I love feeling her little kicks!
Food cravings: Still LOTS of pasta and carbs.... we just got back from a girls trip to Fredericksburg and while this preggo couldn't do much at the wineries, I did get my fair share of fresh picked PEACHES! If you have never had a Fredericksburg peach then you are MISSING OUT! They taste nothing at all like what you pick up at your local grocery store.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just eating TOO large of meals at one sitting. I have been having to eat smaller portions every couple hours and can't eat anything after 7 or I get MAD heartburn.
Happy or Moody? Happy I think! ;)Doctor Appointments: Besides getting to find out the gender this week, they also shared the results from the first half of the Trisomy 21 test that shows any indications of down syndrome, which came back negative. We get the second half results on July 31st but the nurse said so far it doesn't look like we have anything to worry about. When I was pregnant with Tripp, my doctor called me when we were out of town, (of course), to share that the results appeared to be in favor of downs syndrome and to come back in for more testing. So, we packed up our bags and booked it back to Fort Worth for further testing in which ended up being negative in the end. So, while this test may be standard procedure for some, I really prayed we didn't have to go through all of that again.
Looking forward to: Savoring the rest of the summer and getting in as much pool time as possible! Also can't wait to start ordering things and planning for baby girl's room!!!
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