My fifteenth week of pregnancy went by GREAT! I feel my energy rising again and not wanting to nap nearly as much as I did before. However, with that being said, I have been experiencing extremely bad cases of heartburn. Ugh. Like I want to call 911 because I think I'm about to die from cardiac arrest type heartburn. I had HORRIBLE heartburn with Tripp but it didn't creep in until the last trimester with him. How is it I am barely into my second trimester and already have it?!?? I was hoping I would mayyyybe get by this round without dealing with it, but apparently that won't be the case. So long salsa, fried foods, chocolate, and anything to eat or drink 3 hours before bedtime.... sigh. Ok, pity party is over. Being pregnant is such a blessing and truly one of God's miracles, so I will take whatever is handed my way!! #stayingpositive
This pic was taken at my parents house as we are visiting them in Houston this week until we leave for Mexico this weekend. They have graciously offered to watch Tripp so we can enjoy some quality adult time with good friends and get some long overdue R&R in the sun with lots of margaritas, (virgin for me of course)! Can't wait to update next week with pics from our Houston & Cabo adventures!! Why is it I look like I have tripled in size in a week?!??
How far along? 15 weeks
Wedding rings on or off? On
Maternity clothes? I finally got some shorts from Pea in the Pod which I LOVE, and bought two "tankinis" for the beach next week. Besides that I have been able to get away with lots of yoga pants and flowy dresses ;)
Best moment this week: Having the energy to get back on the treadmill...I have been walking and running periodically the last few weeks but besides the fact that I felt like a walking zombie, I was pretty scared of my heart rate going up and doing any damage to our little peanut my entire first trimester so it was hard for me to really push myself.
Food cravings: Still loving Kraft caramels, but limiting my intake trust me. I don't want gestational diabetes!! And carbs. Pasta, pasta pasta. I'm pretty certain that almost every time my husband asks what's for dinner I mention some sort of pasta making it into the meal. I can't stop watching Everyday Italian with Giada DeLaurentiis.... it seriously makes me salivate.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Once again, my husband and I walked into a mens clothing store at the mall and they had sprayed so much cologne throughout that I had to do a 180 and run out of there. Perfume and cologne make me gag as well as Taco Bell commercials. The cheese just looks like cold cheese sauce pumped straight out of a can from the ballpark. Ew.
Happy or Moody? Happy happy happy!!!!
Doctor Appointments: Not until July 6th.... seems like forever from now! They should be able to definitely tell the gender then so I am super excited!!
Looking forward to: See above answer ;)
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