
Friday, July 31, 2015

21 weeks!!!

The last week has been pretty crazy! My parents flew into town on Friday and while my Dad had to fly back on Sunday, my mom got to stay the whole week! Trey was out of town most of the time but my Dad still manages to keep busy by doing all sorts of maintenance work and upkeep around the house for us! I feel bad, every time they come into town it seems he is always working on some sort of project for us the entire time! Thanks, Dad! Yup, I think we all agree that he pretty much hung the moon ;) Anyways, we did get some R&R in which is always nice and my mom was super helpful with Tripp this week so I could put up my feet, somewhat ;) I woke up on Tuesday morning extreeeemely nauseous and hot like I was going to pass out. I was thisclose to having my mom rush me to the ER because I felt like the walls were closing in on me and verrrrry weak. We never really figured out exactly what it was but the doctor mentioned it was probably because I was sleeping flat on my back....shame on me. I am NOT a side sleeper so this has always been one of the hardest things for me with pregnancy! Apparently when sleeping on your back you restrict the blood flow since the babe weighs so much and can cause serious issues. Whoopsie. Anyways, I started feeling better within a few hours so we went and visited a few places for some nursery items and I ordered a rug for sweet girl's room so that was fun! Like I mentioned, Trey was out of town most of the week so it was nice to have my mom here to help and entertain Tripp!

Practicing his swim lessons with Grandaddy! 

Visiting Prairie Dog Town with Nana! Only in Lubbock ;)

Getting in lots of snuggle with Nana before she heads back to Houston!

And lots of playtime too! This child is UHH-BBSESSED with trains these days...

Week 4 of ISR swim is complete! So proud of my little fishy!

I also got to visit with my sweet friend Rachel's new little 2 week old baby, Olivia! She is just as precious as an angel and I look forward to Baby H having another little friend to run around with!

Trey was home midweek for barely 24 hours so since we wouldn't be together on our ACTUAL anniversary and we had already celebrated for the most part with dinner last week, we decided to go see Jake Gyllenhaal's new movie "Southpaw." I know, not your typical anniversary romantic comedy BUT we had both been dying to see it and it was FABULOUS! But, of course this preggo caught herself balling tearing up half of the movie... sigh. Moving forward, I had my 21 week check-up with the high-risk MFM and it was so nice that it worked out my mom got to join too, with Tripp in tow of course. She had never seen an ultrasound before, and especially not a 3D one so it was very special for her to get to see that! Baby girl is weighing in at exactly one pound, (how they can tell that I have no idea), and everything looks great! More below:

How far along? 21 weeks
Wedding rings on or off? On
Maternity clothes? Oh yes, they are officially in full effect around here! Luckily its been so freaking hot around here I have just been hanging in there wearing maxi dresses and running shorts! 
Best moment this week: Getting to see baby girl's little face squished up on the sonogram! The last 3d sono they took she had her hand in front of her face and was very bashful ;) 
Food cravings: Anything salty and decaf sweet tea! And I'm usually not a "tea" person, with exception to the occasional iced mint green tea from Starbacks. However, with my Factor V Leiden I'm not supposed to have green tea at all so I really have to limit myself :/  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just sleeping on my back and not drinking enough water! I have to literally MAKE myself carry water around all day because I usually just have maybe 3 glasses of water a day.... but now I can really tell when I need to drink up since 'little miss' has started Braxton Hicks contractions and they are wayyyy worse when I'm dehydrated!!!
Happy or Moody? I was a little moodier than normal this week only because I have had the worst insomnia! I keep waking up at 2 am and can't fall back asleep until 4:30... ugh.  I take Unisom every now and then but really don't want to rely on it!
Doctor Appointments: As mentioned above, I had my 21 week ultrasound and baby's looking great! We received the second part of the trisomy 21 sequential screening and all the results for downs syndrome came back negative!! Baby girl is also weighing in at a whopping one pound and has a healthy heartbeat of 134. In the sonogram pic you could clearly see the umbilical cord by her head and of course my first question was, "this isn't going to strangle her is it?!??" They reassured me it's fine and she is much too small for it to strangle her or anything to worry about. Phew. She is however sitting breech right now but since I am still a little early they told me we still have plenty of time to flip her back around :) My next appointment isn't until August 11th with my regular OB.... and she should be scheduling my yummy glucose challenge test around then. Excuse me while I throw up in my mouth. The thought of it makes me GAG. 
Looking forward to: As much as I hate that my husband will be back to the grind with late nights and long days, I am really looking forward to football season this year!!! Two-a-days start next week and then first game is September 5th! Wreck 'Em!!!! 

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