So now that the weather is cooling off, ( the 70's here in Texas), it's time to start bundling up your kiddo's footsies. My parents bought Tripp these adorable mocs from Stride Rite along with another pair that light up but are no longer available online. I love these because not only are they super warm and soft on the inside, but they have good rubber soles to keep them from slipping all over the house. Stock up now because you know once the weather really gets cold your shoes sizes will be hard to find!
Speaking of cooler temps, I HAD to order this robe for Tripp! They are even on sale right now so now is the time to buy!! These are super soft and available to add a monogram as well. They have some others on the website but they didn't look near as soft & cuddly as these do so I went with this style. Lately I have found it really hard to keep Tripp wrapped up in a towel as he sprints through the house in his birthday suit after bathtime, so I thought this would be the perfect solution to keep his little booty warm!!
Ok, so this mask truly is a saving grace for hair revival. I started using this mask years ago when getting my hair "wedding ready" and it truly saved my hair. I can't say enough great things about it. With that being said, I used to be able to buy it at Nordstrom & Sephora and for some reason right now its not available at either store. They do sell it at Ulta and on Amazon as well as the Frederic Fekkai website, so I know it's not being discontinued, (especially since it was the Allure Beauty winner for 2014). It's definitely a reasonable price for what it does and isn't near as expensive as many of those high end hair masks out there. So if your hair is in need of a little protein boost and repair, I highly recommend!!!!
Ahhhh, my favorite little nightcap- blueberry tea with a splash of milk!!! I posted this pic on Instagram about a year ago and have had many friends ask me about it so I thought it was worth mentioning. Although it is caffeine free, (perfect for a nighttime wind down), it contains alot of herbs that they haven't been proven safe for pregnancy yet so I haven't been able to drink this in quite a while but rest assure I cannot wait for Miss B's arrival so I can go back to enjoying this every night! I also have the Teavana tea infuser that is super easy to use when making this, since all Teavana tea's come loose and are not in tea bags. Here is the link to the infuser I have, you just boil a cup of water and pour it in the infuser along with a tsp of the tea and after a few minutes set it on top of your mug and enjoy!!! So yummy, especially in the Fall and Winter months!!!! Here is the infuser link:
Oh Williams Sonoma, how I love you so..... will you PUH-LEASE open your doors in Lubbock?!? It's probably a good thing for our bank account, but then again shipping is getting a little costly too. Ugh, can't win. Anywho, I started buying this a few years ago and it just smells like Christmas in a bottle. I only keep it on our kitchen counter from September through December since it does have that holiday spice aroma to it but I can tell you I look forward to it every year and it is currently taking up our counter space at the moment!
Well there ya have it, those are this week's Friday Favorites!!!! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and gets their Guns Up for some Red Raider football tomorrow!!!